Make a Cancer Patient Your Secret Valentine This Year!

Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to pay forward the unused gift cards Santa gave you. By donating some or all of your restaurant, grocery or department store gift cards, you are giving a cancer patient a chance to celebrate with their loved ones. 

Chemocharity will disburse the gift cards to local chemo patients in need of life’s essentials or just for a night to feel like themselves again. If you don’t have any gift cards to give, you can always make a tax-deductible donation! 100% of all donations go to local chemo patients: 
o Gift cards for daily needs;
o Special help during the holidays;
o To fulfill requests for financial assistance with living expenses or medical bills that have become burdensome to those unable to work while receiving cancer treatments. 

Please contact us at or text us at 402-639-1116 for pickup or mailing instructions.

Please read more about us to see how you can help our mission.

Sherri PetersenComment